Shopping & Lifestyle in Pleasant Hill
Pleasant Hill boasts a wealth of retail, entertainment, and services for your lifestyle needs.
Please use this style guide as a reference for all available tools and content treatments on your website.
This is the page introduction content.
Use the text editor widget to display blocks of readable text. Choose from different headings to separate content themes.
Use the "Centered" layout on the Settings tab to display content in the center of the page.
Use the "Split" layout on the Settings tab to divide content into two columns.
When using split layout, please refrain from using H2 or H3 styling - use readable text only.
Blockquote: Use this widget to call out snippets of content, facts, or quotes from visitors. Citation Optional
The accordion widget should be used when pages feature extremely long content that needs to be condensed.
Accordions are a helpful way to improve usability on a very long, text-heavy page. FAQ pages are a good example of when the accordion widget is particularly helpful.
Create a new "Content Section" for each topic in the accordion. The "Title" introduces the visitor to the information included in the section, while "Content" includes the long-form copy that relates to the individual section topic.
Use to transform content using stylized layouts.
Use hero layouts at any point on the page to feature large-format photography. Link Optional
The Centered Hero layout allows you to feature a hero image, but with copy centered in the image field. Link Optional
Add items to the map and group them by interest, activity, or location. You can feature existing content on the map, or create custom points for your map.
Ancillary Heading
Set the geographic location of your item on the "Geo" tab.
Ancillary Heading
Pick from a list of brand-on color options as you build map groups.
Ancillary Heading
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